Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Sleep In, Dammit
This was one of those rainy mornings I came outside with my bike, my rain-gear on (such as it is), and was thankful that it was pouring, because at least when it's pouring it's usually a bit warmer *and* then I don't even pretend that I can try to not get soaked--I just dive right in, so to speak, and enjoy the wetness more.

And dive in I did...riding down the first big hill, rain in my face, water from the road riding up my ass because I haven't yet gotten fender-thingies on my 'new' bike. And, five minutes later I was thouroughally soaked and...it stopped raining, and the sun even sort of came out. And I rode the rest of the way to work wet. Geez. If it's gonna rain at least have the decency to rain the whole time. If I had just slept in a few minutes...

And then, of course, I realized that I forgot to bring a dry 'overshirt' for the office--it's cold in there sometimes and I wear a sweatshirt or something usually--so I end up wearing a hoodie that I have here that doesn't really fit me but keeps me warm and sure would be cute if it fit me at all.


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